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Series Circuit Video and Questions

Series Circuit Video and Questions

Q Watch video and answer questions 1. Define the characteristics or a series circuit 2. How do you calculate total resistance in a series circuit 3. What happens to voltage in a series circuit 4. What happens to current in a series circuit 5. How would you use Ohm's Law to calculate Voltage in a series circuit if Current and resistance are known 6. Calculate the total Voltage of a series circuit that has a current of 5miliAmps and a total resistance of 5 Ohms

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1.In series combination, an equal magnitude of current passes through all the components present in the series combination no matter what. The charges in this circuit will pass such that every charge will pass through each component that is connected in the series combination. This phenomenon is totally opposite to what happens in the parallel combination. The potential difference across each electrical component in the series combination will be different and will depend upon the resistance properties that the component possesses.